
Did You Know?

Herpes Zoster, commonly known as shingles, is the reactivation of the varicella zoster virus(VZV); the same virus responsible for causing chicken pox. 

Shingles is an infection that presents itself as a skin rash with painful blisters on one side of the body, often in a strip. 

VZV is transmitted from a person with shingles to an uninfected individual by direct contact with localized skin lesions/ blisters. 

Nearly 1 in 3 Canadians develop shingles in their lifetime. 


The symptoms of shingles tend to happen in stages:

  • May experience a sensitivity to light and dizziness, along with a headache
  • Later you will feel itching, pain, and tingling in certain areas on one side of the body
  • A few days later, a strip of rash will occur in those areas
  • The rash will begin to turn into clusters of fluid-filled blisters

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All individuals who have had varicella (chicken pox) are at risk of developing shingles. 

Those with an increased risk of contracting shingles include: 

  • People who are older than 50 years of age 
  • Those with a weakened immune system, even if they are younger than 50 years of age

2 shingles vaccines are available for all individuals aged 50 years or older:

  • Zostavax II: 1 dose
  • Shingrix 2 doses, spaced 2-6 months apart

Individuals should consult with their healthcare provider to determine which vaccine is best for them.